Thursday, November 29, 2007

I wish it's just a bad day...

it has been a long day... or let's say a long night.. something has been bothering me .. and it's not my exams... sometimes out of goodwill you do something nice... outsiders don't appreciate it.. but would the recipient appreciate it.. who knows when someone hates you .. you have the strangest feeling... weird spells cast upon you... words of thorns cut you... looks that nearly killed you... the cold shoulders.. the insensitiveness... the distractions... the strangest places... the strangest people... who mind too much of their business... i just hope things would be better.. it's a barrier.. priorities are not given to me.. Love that is stronger... that is bullying... that is endurance... that is thicked skinned...

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21 year old girl next door.. not tall.. thinks i'm fat.. just average girl next door..a little weird... I don't want to be famous anymore...