Thursday, September 20, 2007

hey look i've found! our feelings are mutual

"Anyway, this brings to mind why some women have absolutely no self-respect at all. I mean, why would any woman return to a guy who succumbs to the slightest of temptations every time a nubile, young, thing comes along beats me. (Disclaimer: I am not labelling myself nubile, but this is a generalization, you get the gist.) ( i don't have to keep saying theres nothing wrong already)( pls take him~~ I cannot take the stupid nonsense already~!!!) I feel sorry for her, as much as I despise her. But anyway, I wash my hands of the affairs of some so I shan’t spend time blogging about this, especially with the IE quiz looming over me.

Another bitchy thought I have to get off my chest is why some girlfriends are so freaking annoying. I mean like your boyfriend’s colleagues are here, give them some face and show some respect, bitch. Don’t act all prima donna when you are neither pretty nor possess an attractive personality. (do u think i'm pretty? if so.. great!!!) Like clinging onto the arm of her boyfriend when I said hi ( ha~ sour grapes)(AS IF I am going to steal him la, wake up your idea, dumbass), telling her boyfriend loudly in Chinese that my Philippino colleague doesn’t know anything when he understands perfect Chinese,( i did not say that guy don't understand chinese i was saying he don't know where to go... sigh... you fly all the way from hk and you have no idea where to go... you should be embarassed about yourselves...) telling everyone that Philippinos come to Singapore only to become maids, throwing a tantrum over dinner, sulking the whole time after your boyfriend tells you nicely to be polite and finally ending the whole episode dramatically by storming off after dinner without thanking anyone for the treat or saying goodbye. if i don't give face, the soup will be in her face and not on the table... and would miss me or something? that i have to say goodbye ?What manners! It is one thing to be fiesty and another to be a complete embarrassment to both her boyfriend and basically anyone in her presence.I feel ashamed for her. And seriously who carries a coach bag and dresses sloppily. (This contradicts.... For someone who cannot afford a coach ever in her life and cannot even recgonise a HnM shirt... i pity thous peeps... ) But let’s not be personal." - what you talking about?

i'm so lucky i hear the other side of the story...

>>> btw, nic's colleague was the one who started the fight k.. you know what he said?
" Get girls should get Filipinos one right, nic?"
"Can listen better." ( that's his Australian taught English not my singlish k)
Nic nod his head.
Wth right, So I said, "better than them they come here be maid."
I know that was crude and rude, but who stepped on my tail first? who say Singapore girls not good. He was rude in the first place lor. I think only girls have have no respect for themselves then will agree with his statement la` o well how much respect can we get from girls that throw themselves to guys offering to share a place with him or keep visiting his place in the evening.. hk internship is so scandalous.. peeps with partners in Singapore going out in secret trips..

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21 year old girl next door.. not tall.. thinks i'm fat.. just average girl next door..a little weird... I don't want to be famous anymore...