Thursday, October 11, 2007


I've been feeling * emo recently... Going to school on a break week doesn't help... Meetings, meetings and more meetings.. internship interview din turn out well.. so nothing much to be talk about... I'm really thankful for all the ktv sessions and Carissa's chalet... at least there are time when i was with my fwens.... suppose to be with fi shopping today... or at least have lunch with her and yuki... but some other stuff has drown me...

Just some really really really random stuff:

'mich, are you going for exhange?'
'nope. reject le.'
'Cos nic say cannot.'
'wth! it's so unfair... he can go hk for internship but you cannot..'

Yes life is unfair... there is so much sacrifces one has to do... I have given up alot of stuff... may it be tangible.. may i be intangible.. endless sleeps and endless nights...

Had lunch with esther yesterday and she asked am i single or double... why is there no more photos or any news about him... well, the main reason is that i have not spend much 'fun' time with him till now... yes i did see him in school... but most of the time I'm in school waiting for his meetings to end.. then we go for dinner then home... true enough he went for chalet wimme but he had to leave as early as 7 in the morning... ( yes i did told him it's a 2 day event, so he left at 7 lor~) and he was there basically for mj and the food.. and to sleep... We finally talked on the phone last night.... and we realised that we are so different... (well, i knew this ages ago) just like Jennifer aniston and brad Pitt... it does not matter how long you were together.. just when two people are so different.. while one is pessimistic another is already looking into what would happen in 10 years time... it's amazing to me how cool and calm was it for him to talk about it...

Well, it wasn't anyone's fault... we are different and alwaz would be...


So nice to see wedding bells around you.. it goes rrring rrrRrring RrRrringg... everyone is getting married doesn't mean i also getting married la... it's just interesting to see different kind of people getting married lor... some like it simple... while some like grand... some it like quietly... some came to me as a shock... some gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.. while some gimme a 'i don't want it like that' feeling... I wasn't quite bothered about wedding bells until recently.. when nic and i started talking about all these.. maybe because we have nothing much to talk about... and mayb peer pressure ... i start lookin about how people get married.. and nic keeps saying he wants to meet my mum.. i feel so pressurised.. alot of people say.. your mum noes just that she close one eye... well, I know it's unfair to nic but that would be a invalid reason why we are quarreling about it... he knows i hate it but he keeps bringing it up... It's something i really dont want to talk about.. i give in to anything... but something like my parents.. its just something i cannot walk out from ... something that is so vague.. something is might be happening in 5 to 10 years time... y get married? it's just a title isn't it?

I have faith... i believe... but sometimes when reality hits you... you lose your faith and you are force to move on... painfully...

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21 year old girl next door.. not tall.. thinks i'm fat.. just average girl next door..a little weird... I don't want to be famous anymore...