So ambitious and hard working, Capricorns are real materialists, who want to prove themselves and accomplish big goals in their lives. It is not the most social sign of the zodiac, yet these people do know how to be in society and how to put others on their side. One of the greatest traits of a Goat is his/her consistency. Whatever they start doing, they will almost always make sure to finish it. This makes Capricorn individuals very reliable and responsible. Capricorns are also famous for practicality which usually allows them to come up with creative ways of doing same things in a different, but better way. Capricorns tend to be quite serious about whatever they decide to do, and they tend to focus a lot of attention on that one subject. These people are usually independent and have a strong character. However with all these good qualities, Capricorns still have a downside to their character. Their biggest flaw is inability to relax and let go off small things, since most of the time they are quite serious. Their excessive love for stability and consistency makes them scared of taking even small risks, and that is why they usually tend to be quite conservative and only walk the path that they know well, without diverging from it. Stubbornness is another bad point for this sign.
Career-wise Capricorns are probably some of the most ambitious people. They always want to climb higher and achieve new goals. Their persistence really helps them in this endeavor. Capricorns often make good managers as they are natural organizers.
Apart from all the ambition and materialism, these guys are very faithful and the cold on the outside is just a cover of formality for the warm inside. Although if only we dared to suggest them one thing, it would be to learn how to take that cover of seriousness off sometimes.
How many Capricorns does it take to screw a light bulb?
All of them, you can never be too cautious.
How to seduce Capricorn?
Take relationships seriously
Be independent and have goals in life
Show that you appreciate them
Calm them down from their worries
The following is what you should not do, if you want a Capricorn person to like you: Act immature
Be too dependent on others
Be excessively untraditional
Love traits - Prefer serious relationships
- Very loyal and reliable
- Will do anything to protect their loved ones from harm
- Want total commitment from their loved one
- Very caring and supportive
- Cool on the outside, warm on the inside
I copy this because I think its quite true le... so interesting.. maybe all girls would prefer a serious relationship and someone who is matured and loyal bah... Who will want a player?